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Tag Them "Shorthorn" Purple

Tag Them "Shorthorn" Purple

Canadian Shorthorn CCIA Approved Back Button RFID Indicators (Tags) Are Now Available For Purchase! A Canadian Shorthorn CCIA approved back button will provide Shorthorn influenced cattle with identification in the sale ring, at feedlots, and throughout the beef value chain. The identification that this back button provides will also help identify the quality of cattle that our breeders and CSA members take great pride in. The CSA’s RFID indicators (tags) are available to order through your account on the CCIA website or by phone. 1-877-909-2333

Neogen Canada: New Hair Sample Requirements

Neogen Canada: New Hair Sample Requirements

Effective June 2020: All hair samples must be submitted within a Geneseek Hair card. Hair samples not submitted in a hair card will be subject to a $4 lose hair fee per sample that is submitted. Blood, semen and tissue samples will still be accepted for DNA testing. Order your hair cards through the CSA office today! Cards are 50 cents per card and are a minimum order of 10 cards. Email: Phone: 306-757-2212

Fall Shorthorn Show Season Underway

Fall Shorthorn Show Season Underway

The Royal Winter Fair, Lloydminster Stockade Round-up, Farmfair International, and Canadian Western Agribition host Shorthorn shows this fall. Be sure to check back for show results from this year's shows. Show Results Lloyminster Stockade Roudup- Click her for results

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