137th CSA
The Onatario Shorthorn Association is proud to be hosting this year's Annual General Meeting in Kanata, ON! Plan to join us May 25th through May 28th.

Thursday, May 25th Arrive in Kanata, ON
Friday, May 26th Board of Directors Meeting
Car Tour of Local Herds
Evening Barbeque - sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Shorthorn Club
Saturday, May 27th Guest Speakers at the Holiday Inn (Dr. Angela Canovas – University of Guelph & Shayla Chappell – CSA)
Canadian Shorthorn Association Annual Meeting
Banquet, Entertainment, Fundraiser Auction
Sunday, May 28th Car Tours of Local Herds
AGM Registration is now open! CLICK HERE for the registration form.

Send Registration Forms by May 15th to:
Airport Transportation Arrangements:
Hotel Accommodations Reserved at a reduced rate by April 25th: